I stopped, backed up, and realized what that meant. There were hundreds of Long-tailed Ducks within an hour's drive. I have never seen a Long-tailed Duck! I had a free day today. off I went!
It wasn't overly cold, but it was windy. Here's a picture of the surf coming in on Lake Ontario.
So I tried to find places with protected harbors to search, because I knew I wasn't going to have much look trying to see anything on those breakers. I had my first luck at Henderson Harbor, where I found one, but I really scored at the harbor in Oswego.
I also found, and managed to catch an in-flight shot of a Lesser Black-backed Gull.
To give an idea of the wind a waves, here's a shot of the waves breaking over the breakwater at the Oswego Harbor.
Overall, a good day. I saw a lifer and managed to get several good pictures of them. Thankfully, all of my stops I could either bird from the car or they were a short walk. That wind just cut right through you!
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