12 August 2011

Onieda Lake

I am blessed to live within a stone's throw of Onieda Lake, the largest lake wholly within the borders of New York State. Yesterday being a beautiful day of partial clouds and temperatures hovering around 70 degrees all day, I spent most of the morning sitting in my backyard watching birds at my feeder and the neighboring woods. After lunch, I decided to see what I could see at Onieda Shores County Park and a fishing access where Interstate 81 crosses the western end of the lake.

At Onieda Shores I found several Caspian Terns, along with Black Ducks, both of which were firsts in the state for me.

Near the Arrowhead Shelter, there were several Ruby Meadowhawks around a stagnant pond. Very inquisitive, I had several come and land on my shirt as I walked around.

A Pearl Crescent landed at my feet, so I felt obliged to take its portrait.

Over at the fishing area, a mother Mallard was napping with some of her offspring.

An Eastern Pondhawk feasting on an unfortunate damselfly.

Spotted Sandpipers were feeding along the shore.

Despite the 10-15 mile per hour wind, I managed a decent shot of an Eastern Forktail (female).

Overall, a gorgeous day.

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