Part of my life involves moving. It has benefits, namely it gets me to new and different habitats to see new and different birds and such.
This last move had a bad downside. The movers lost a box. Just one. Box 136-Green.
Box 136 had almost all of my bird books in it. It had 3 binders in it. One was service-related records (which fortunately had all been scanned a few months previous) and 2 full of bird records that had not.
Now, I still have my life-list in digits. But I lost a bunch of trip reports and other bits of written data pertinent to my birding over the last 20 years.
Books are now arriving from Buteo Books and The check came in the mail. Still, I'll never have the second edition National Geographic Guide that was well-worn that I bought that first spring of birding at Bosque Del Apache NWR. A few titles were so out of print they could not be found.
I picked up a few titles I'd been wanting.
Birding on Borrowed Time being one of them. Started reading it today and am enchanted with Phoebe's record keeping she's describing.
It all makes me think again of my records, and how to keep them.
My life list is an Excel spreadsheet. Fairly portable and compatible. But it's getting big enough that it is less so. Having lost hard-copy records reinforces the idea of remote backups as well.
The good news, on a less introspective scale, I think, maybe, I've defeated the Carpenter Ants who had been ravaging my hummingbird feeder.