We sailed on 1 May and arrived in Freeport on Grand Bahama early on 2 May. We disembarked and took a 'taxi' to the Lucayan Market area. While there we looked at the same store at least a hundred times--or so it seemed--the all offered pretty much the same wares.
We also walked around some of the hotel gardens and saw many small lizards. Bird life was minimal and disappointing. The only tropical bird I saw was a Gray Kingbird. We returned to our ship in the early afternoon.
I spent most of the afternoon on deck watching the Laughing Gulls and Magnificent Frigatebirds. One oddity was a Blackpoll Warbler on deck. It hopped about long enough for me to get several pictures of it.
I finally concluded it must have flown into a wire on the ship and broke its left wing. I entertained the idea of tossing it over the side of the ship to end its misery, but decided against it. Maybe it would recover and fly off.
On 3 May we awoke in Nassau. We had a shore excursion scheduled that morning. We awoke early enough to eat breakfast and walk around the city for about an hour.
This proved more productive for birds as I added Red-Legged Thrush, Bananaquit and White-crowned Pigeon to my life-list.
We then boarded a boat and went out to the Blue Lagoon where we went snorkeling and saw a variety of fish and coral. I walked around the island some and got some good photos of Yellow-crowned and Green Herons, Wilson's Plover and Ruddy Turnstones.
After lounging in a hammock for a little while, it was time to head back. We road the boat back and went to our finished up some shopping. (Note to self—next time just give each of the kids $20 before we leave instead of trying to find stuff for them.) Leslie’s sinuses where bothering her so we picked up some antihistamine and headed back to our ship.
Leslie took a couple antihistamines and was soon ready for a nap. I headed off into Nassau again to see what I could see. I was rewarded with Cuban Grassquit and Smooth-billed Ani as well as some views of a Red-legged Thrush feeding its brood at the nest. These were all found near Fort Fincastle.
As the sun began to sink in the west, I headed back toward the ship and woke up Leslie for dinner. We awoke the next morning to find ourselves underway back toward Port Canaveral. We spent a good deal of time sitting on deck watching the ocean go by. I never did see any pelagic species. I think I fleetingly saw one bird flying away from the bow of the ship, but that was it. We did see two different kinds of dolphins, a submarine, and several other ships.
We awoke on Thursday in Port Canaveral where we disembarked and headed toward Patrick AFB to see if we could find a room for the night. On our way we saw a sign for the “Great Florida Birding Trail” at Rotary Park. We made a mental note and after securing our room and picking up some stuff for a picnic lunch, headed back to see what we could see.
We walked the boardwalk and ate lunch. Then we went over to Lake Washington at two spots and then to Lori Wilson Park. Lori Wilson is a great little patch of hammock on the beach and had more Blackpoll Warblers in it than I had ever seen. I also managed to pick up a life Worm-eating Warbler as well. Showers set in at Lori Wilson so we headed back to our room and then the next day made the drive back to Columbia. All in all a good trip and an enjoyable first cruise experience. Upon reflection, we both decided that next time we’d just as soon fly to some place and spend several days exploring it. (Sounds good to me—more chances to bird!)
Freeport, Grand Bahama Island
Magnificent Frigatebird
Turkey Vulture
Laughing Gull
Royal Tern
Rock Pigeon
Eurasian Collared-Dove
Gray Kingbird
Northern Mockingbird
Blackpoll Warbler
House Sparrow
Nassau, New Providence Island
American Kestrel
Ruddy Turnstone
Laughing Gull
Rock Pigeon
White-crowned Pigeon
Common Ground-Dove
Smooth-billed Ani
Gray Kingbird
Northern Mockingbird
Red-legged Thrush
Black-throated Blue Warbler
American Redstart
Cuban Grassquit
House Sparrow
Blue Lagoon Island
Green Heron
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
Wilson's Plover
Rotary Park, Florida
White Ibis
Black Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Semipalmated Plover
Chimney Swift
Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
European Starling
Cape May Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
American Redstart
Common Yellowthroat
Northern Cardinal
Boat-tailed Grackle
Lake Washington, Florida
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Little Blue Heron
Cattle Egret
White Ibis
Wood Stork
Northern Mockingbird
Red-winged Blackbird
Boat-tailed Grackle
American Kestrel
Common Moorhen
Lori Wilson County Park, Florida
Brown Pelican
Ruddy Turnstone
Laughing Gull
Rock Pigeon
Eurasian Collared-Dove
Mourning Dove
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Northern Parula
Blackpoll Warbler
American Redstart
Worm-eating Warbler
Northern Cardinal
House Sparrow
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