06 August 2010

Lake of the Ozarks Recreation Area

A Chaplaincy anniversary celebration picnic took me to the Lake of the Ozarks today. I, of course, brought along my new camera. I had the best luck finding butterflies.

This Eastern Tailed-Blue confused me with it's apparently dark wing-tip. This was a one-shot-and-gone butterfly, so all I had to work with was this picture and my field guide as I sat on the couch tonight.

Common Buckeyes were, well, common. I began to notice a trend, namely, they seem to like rather, shall we say nasty, stuff to hang out on. Like fish heads...

or Canada Goose exhaust....

Here's one in a more benign setting.

This one really threw me. Took me quite a while to get over its wing markings and focus on it's odd front-end. American Snout, indeed.

An ever-beautiful Eastern Tiger Swallowtail.

Barn Swallows resting on a small helipad.

And finally, a crow that was perched in a dead tree by the boat ramp.

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