07 August 2010

Happy Hollow

Went to the "Happy Hollow" area of Fort Leonard Wood this morning. Nice little park along the Big Piney River.

I didn't see much for birds, but had a good day of odes and some butterflies as well. A Hackberry Emperor gave me nice views of both top and bottom side of wings.

Hackberry Emperor

Pipevine Swallowtails were abundant.

And now onto the odes--first the damselflies. Many Powdered Dancers were perched along the river's edge.

A Stream Bluet:

Dusky Dancer:

And just a couple of inches over on the same twig, a Blue-ringed Dancer.

Finally, two dragons. First, a Black-shouldered Spinylegs, a common river denizen.

And the highlight of the day for me, a dragon I've been after for a few years, a Dragonhunter. (Dragonhunter has been my screen name on several message boards for years, reflecting my interest in odes in general.)

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