31 January 2011

North Beach, Fort DeSoto, Florida

Went to Fort DeSoto, one of my favorite birding places in the world this afternoon. I was amazed at the total lack of sandpipers and plovers. Even the long-legged waders were not in their typical numbers. I have no explanation for their absence.

I was able to get some good photos regardless, and it was a beautiful sunny and 74, so I can't complain too much.

29 January 2011

Cockroach Bay

Unappealing as it sounds, Cockroach Bay, just south of Tampa, Florida, is a good birding spot. It is listed on the Great Florida Birding Trail. It gets its name from the small crabs that are common in the bay at low tide.

There are a few fresh-water ponds along this stretch of road and they attract a good variety of birds. I saw 33 species this afternoon in a couple of hours. They have recently added a shallow pond near the start of the road on the south that was quite productive for waterfowl (I added 2 new state birds) and also had Roseate Spoonbills. This area is consistent for Glossy Ibis in numbers as well. It is still a little early in the year, but this is also a good spot for Scissor-tailed Flycatchers.

Here's some highlights of what I was able to get with my camera.