So far the birding hasn't been too bad. Kuwait only netted 2 birds, House Sparrow (it there anyplace they don't live?) and Crested Lark. Mostly, Kuwait was a non-stop sandstorm for the 5 days I was there.
Now that I am in-country, the sand storms have subsided and birding has picked up. On the FOB I am on right now, we are blessed with a small pond. This, of course, is a bit of a bird magnet, which suits me just fine. The past two mornings I have spent some time birding around it before breakfast.
Just having some open water, having that wonderful fresh water lake smell, takes me back to the Midwest in the states. It is incredibly refreshing, dare I say, on a spiritual level. But then, God has wooed me through nature for most of my life.
Well, toting around my pocket camera, I managed a few pictures this morning where you can actually tell they are birds...I'll share a few.
Here is a Black-winged Stilt that I watched for quite a while this morning.
Eurasian Collared Dove and Pied Kingfisher.
And then a picture of a White-cheeked Bubul from yesterday taken near the chow hall.

I also saw a Snowy Plover, Common Sandpiper, Crested Lark and the ever-popular Rock Pigeon. Finally, an interesting bird that frequents the pond is the Red-wattled Lapwing. This is a large plover-like bird with a striking tan, white and black plumage and yellow legs. It likes to fly around calling out "did-he-do-it, did-he-do-it, did-did-he-do-it" rather loudly. Unfortunately, they don't stay still long enough, near enough for me to get a picture yet. It's gets its name because it has a red eye-ring that has a little bit extra (the "wattle") toward the front. It's not terribly easy to see, but it makes for a good name, I suppose.
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