17 June 2011

Onieda Shores County Park

Well, I have managed to make birding part of my "homework" for my statistics class this summer. (It's all in how you write the project proposal!) So, I headed out this morning for a few hours to Onieda Shores County Park to see what was hopping.

A couple of Great-crested Flycatchers were out.

A fledgling Blue Jay was quite photogenic (despite his parent's loud cries).

After walking a trail, that included a short slog through calf-deep water, I found a Song Sparrow singing. (Who would have thought?)

An Eastern Wood-Pewee was hawking from a fire hydrant and its sign. (A subtle reminder that they get a fair bit of snow around here--the sign sits up higher than the hydrant so you can find it in a drift, should the need arise.)

After the Pewee, I sat for a minute and listened to the frogs croaking and examined my mucked shoes.

Then back to the car and home for lunch. (You'd be making a face too, if you're sandals were full of muck and you were covered with mosquito bites!)

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