We serve an awesome God. You already knew that, but let me tell you about my day. Yesterday and last night the evil one was really trying to throw fear at me. We went out to ____ today. That is the route where we’ve had our 2 KIAs on.
I had a good day yesterday, I got caught up on some stuff, I got a package ready to send to home. The enemy starts trying to twist all that to “putting your house in order, eh? Good thing….”
Prayed last night, prayed this morning. I know it is in God’s hands....., I’m sitting there waiting for it to start and a gull flies overhead. I get a pretty good look at him, jot some notes in hope that I can identify him later. After the change of command I look, sure enough, Black-headed Gull. Lifer.
We go over to link up with the patrol. What am I riding in the back of? An up-armored MRAP. Take the already enormous and armored MRAP and put some great big armor plates on the sides of it. I was smart enough to catch that that was a God thing.
Make it out there fine, .... I wander around a bit and see some big mud puddles in an open area. Well, what do you know? There are birds feeding there. Grab my binoculars, watched, took notes. It’s good just to see birds.
....Come back safe and sound. I’m exhausted. Riding around just wears me out anyway, I think it’s the subconscious stress…which today wasn’t quite so "sub."
Come back here and pull out my notes and start looking through my bird book….3 more lifers. Ringed Plover, Little Stint and Common Redshank. As I am sitting here thinking wow…not quite what I was contemplating last night, it finally hits me. “See…I know the plans I have for you…they are for good.” Thank You, God. You want us to have joy, not fear. You are beautiful.
In sort of a variation on one of the verses from Psalm 63, which God has been using to speak to me the past several days, I took a picture of a House Sparrow in the shadow of an MRAP. You an see him on the left tire. And he was singing. Here’s the verse—
“Because You are my help, I sing in the shadow of Your wings.” (63:7)

God was almost yelling at me today, wasn’t He?