Males begin life colored all green as the females are, but turn blue as they mature. It must be adolescence time for them, because there were several I saw in various stages of transition.
Eastern Amberwings were also flying about, no doubt doing their best to feed on gnats and other insects along the water.
I then headed toward the garden plots and discovered this occasionally captivating little stream that is used for irrigation.
Then I took a turn between some of the plots and found another smaller stream. While I lingered there, a Tufted Titmouse bathed unabashed nearby.
Then several Emerald Jewelwings took to flying about in what I presume was some sort of courtship dance. It was very beautiful....but hard to photograph. Here are a few of the dancers between songs, apparently.
Then I found myself facing something that made me feel like I had somehow stepped onto another continent....a grove of bamboo. Most of it was about 4" in diameter.
After tromping through this amazing little spot...I battled a few thorns (and lost) an finally made my way back home feeling thouroughly joyfully for the wonders I had witnessed in a little corner of the world just down the street.